Two New Exhibits

This February 2020 I will have two exhibits of my work here on the Central Coast of California. I will be the featured artist of the month at the Park Street Gallery in Paso Robles for the month of February. The exhibit opens on February 1st when I will give a talk in the gallery at 7 PM.

The second exhibit is at Frameworks in San Luis Obispo. This will be an exceptional exhibit because it features both oil and watercolor paintings, a rare opportunity to see my work in these two mediums together. There will be a large collection of each with mostly new work. The title and theme of the show is "Through the Trees" and most of the paintings will feature trees and views through trees. This show opens February 5th. An artist reception will be held on the evening of March 6th, part of the Art After Dark program in San Luis Obispo.

I hope you will take the time to visit one or both of these exhibits. More information and images of the paintings can be found on the web sites of the two galleries.


Workshop 2020


One Man Show